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'description': 'Perry is a nationally recognized early childhood advocate driving effective early learning policy at local, state, and national levels'
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<p class="lead_in">Yhildren and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development has announced the appointment of award-winning child advocate, Kris Perry, as its first-ever Executive Director. Perry most recently served as Senior Advisor to Governor Gavin Newsom of California, focusing on the implementation of early childhood development initiatives, and Deputy Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency. She brings 34 years of service in the public and non-profit sectors. With Perry onboard, Children and Screens will build on the strength and prestigious reputation of its existing work: the funding and dissemination of scientific research focused on the impact of digital media on child development, and the translation of those findings into programs and policies that promote child wellness.</p>
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<span class="quote_caption_name testimonial_caption_name">Full Name, PHD</span>
<span class="quote_caption_title testimonial_caption_title">Senior Director of Department, Coordinator of the MALT Program, Co-Director of the REAL Lab, University of Redlands School of Education</span>
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<figcaption class="quote_caption testimonial_caption">
<span class="quote_caption_name testimonial_caption_name">Full Name, PHD</span>
<span class="quote_caption_title testimonial_caption_title">Senior Director of Department, Coordinator of the MALT Program, Co-Director of the REAL Lab, University of Redlands School of Education</span>
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<p>Children and Screens is the nation’s leading non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and supporting interdisciplinary scientific research, informing and educating the public, advocating for sound public policy for child health and wellness, and enhancing human capital in the field.</p>
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On Boredom: Screen Time. Free Time. and Child Development
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<span class="event_list_item_meta_label event_list_item_time_label">8:00 PM UTC</span>
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<p>What are the benefits and harms of “bored time” for children and has digital media displaced the space to let minds wander?</p>
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Children and Screens Endorses Proposed Federal Act
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<p>New bipartisan legislation would authorize and fund a National Institutes of Health program to study the effects of media on child development.</p>
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The Rise of Dr. Google
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<p>How can families, schools, and communities encourage digital health literacy and help children use a critical lens to find trusted sources for health advice?</p>
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<div class="card_category">Ask the Experts</div>
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On Boredom: Screen Time. Free Time. and Child Development
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<time class="card_time" datetime="">
<span class="card_time_date">June 16</span>
<span class="card_time_time">8:00 PM UTC</span>
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<p>What are the benefits and harms of “bored time” for children and has digital media displaced the space to let minds wander?</p>
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Children and Screens Endorses Proposed Federal Act
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<p>New bipartisan legislation would authorize and fund a National Institutes of Health program to study the effects of media on child development.</p>
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<div class="card_category">Tip Sheet</div>
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The Rise of Dr. Google
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<p>How can families, schools, and communities encourage digital health literacy and help children use a critical lens to find trusted sources for health advice?</p>
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<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Quis enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem</p>
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links: [
title: 'Learn About Us',
href: '#',
aria_label:'Aria Label',
} %}
{% render "@component-related-content--referenced" with {
theme: 'dark',
card_type: 'default',
card_theme: 'light',
card_pill_theme: 'yellow'
} %}
<!-- END: Full Width Callouts -->
No notes defined.