<figure class="quote _quote mode_light">
<blockquote class="quote_content _quote_content">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <strong>consectetur adipiscing elit</strong>. Praesent eget est sed ex pretium fringilla. Vivamus <em>ac turpis quis eros consectetur</em> ornare. Proin pulvinar, magna id vulputate commodo, metus massa tincidunt lorem, <a href="#">non elementum urna dui sed</a> neque. Nulla non ipsum fermentum, fermentum tellus ut, viverra est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ant faucibus.</p>
<div class="quote_caption_wrapper _caption_wrapper ">
<figcaption class="quote_caption _caption">
<span class="quote_caption_name _caption_name">Full Name, PHD</span>
<span class="quote_caption_title _caption_title">Senior Director of Department, Coordinator of the MALT Program, Co-Director of the REAL Lab, University of Redlands School of Education</span>
{% include '@partial-blockquote' with {
quote: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, <strong>consectetur adipiscing elit</strong>. Praesent eget est sed ex pretium fringilla. Vivamus <em>ac turpis quis eros consectetur</em> ornare. Proin pulvinar, magna id vulputate commodo, metus massa tincidunt lorem, <a href="#">non elementum urna dui sed</a> neque. Nulla non ipsum fermentum, fermentum tellus ut, viverra est. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ant faucibus.',
name: 'Full Name, PHD',
title: 'Senior Director of Department',
related_organization:'Coordinator of the MALT Program, Co-Director of the REAL Lab, University of Redlands School of Education'
image: '1',
} %}
<figure class="quote {{ class }}_quote mode_{{ mode }}">
<blockquote class="quote_content {{ class }}_quote_content">
<p>{{ quote }}</p>
<div class="quote_caption_wrapper {{ class }}_caption_wrapper {% if person.image %}has_media{% endif %}">
{% if person.image %}
<div class="quote_caption_media {{ class }}_caption_media">
{% include '@partial-image' with {
class: 'testimonial',
alt: '',
image: person.image,
loading: 'lazy',
sources: [
} %}
{% endif %}
<figcaption class="quote_caption {{ class }}_caption">
<span class="quote_caption_name {{ class }}_caption_name">{{ person.name }}</span>
<span class="quote_caption_title {{ class }}_caption_title">{{ person.title }}, {{ person.related_organization }}</span>
No notes defined.